Posts Tagged ice cream

Worcester for ice cream and a taste of home

Visited Tri in Worcester to pick up some motorcycle boots off a guy on craigslist.  Afterwards we grabbed some lunch at my ol’ fave Wegmans!  I had to get one of their amazing subs, plus some chicken gyoza on the side (tots normal rite???).  By the checkout is a wall of cold beverages.  As I perused my eyes landed on something I grew up with, and only thought could be bought in New York:

upstate farms

We then went for ice cream at a place on the lake.  It was a little hot to be out in the sun, but the ice cream made up for some of it.  Tri, the Diva, didn’t want to be photographed eating so these were the only shots I got.

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How far would you go for ice cream?

Finally got the chance to meet some of the RI guys from NESR on a ride to CT.  What’s worth riding all the way into CT for?  Ice cream!  Duh!  I met up with “R7” on his R1 at a gas station because god knows I don’t know where I’m going.  Then we met up with “ForeverLost” at an intersection that looks like what I think they mean when they say “never go to the second location.”

ice cream ride

Man did I have egg on my face when I realized I had accidentally left the other 750 cc’s of my bike at home!  The 250 hung with the big boys alright though, except for accelerating from a stop, going up hill, stopping, accelerating out of a turn…

R7 took us through some beautiful towns in eastern CT.  We eventually ended up somewhere around “Kansa-Tenness-Tucky, CT” for ice cream.

His and hers

It was well worth the trip.  I might have to cut it down to one scoop next time though…

Butterfinger??? Shut the front door!

The ride home was pretty terrifying as the sun had gone down, we all had dark shields, and we were deep in the boonies.  I tried to follow the tail lights in front of me closely.  You don’t realize how much the lines on the street help guide you until you don’t have them anymore.  Fortunately R7 new the roads.  If he had gone off the road, AlwaysLost and I were going to follow him.  I’m not religious, but I prayed to whatever god that would listen to me.

We came to a stop when we made it back to civilization and breathed a sigh of relief, only to be repulsed by the site of our shields.

It was definitely a good ride and good company.  Not like the mountains in NC but beats the hell out of commuting.  Hopefully I can get a couple more rides like that in before it starts getting cold.

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